Vascular Surgery Faculty
[ 科長(兼任) ]
[ Chief and Associate Professor ]
Katsuyuki Hoshina, MD, PhD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 1995
My area of specialty: Surgery for vascular diseases; Operating against (dissecting) the malignant tumors invading the vascular; Writing papers
My motto: “Inscrutable are the ways of Heaven”
Video Profile:
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Video Profile:
[ Senior Lecturer ]
Toshio Takayama, MD, PhD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 2000
My area of specialty: Offering the best treatment plan for each patient by combining open and endovascular surgery options
My motto: “Everything is different; everything is awesome”
[ Assistant Professor ]
Toshihiko Isaji, MD, PhD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 2001
My area of specialty: Applying tactics to vascular surgery
My motto: “All people but me are my mentors.”
Takafumi Akai, MD, PhD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 2005
My area of specialty: Cat sleep and sleeping with cats.
My motto: “Don’t think. Feel and Drink!”
Mitsuru Matsukura, MD, PhD
Graduate from The Kyoto Prefecture University of Medicine in 2005
My area of specialty: Complex infra-inguinal bypass surgery, Convincing Informed consent, Composing a manuscript based on academic viewpoint, Risk management
My personal motto: Excellence consists of thousands of details; Mighty tree need longer time to be matured than ordinary flowers and weeds
Kazuhiro Miyahara, MD, PhD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 2010
Specialty: Programming, IT Consulting, Linux Distribution, Dart, Swift, Python, Firebase, Vim,Ruby, Go
[ Postgraduate Student, Clinical Fellow ]
Sohei Matsuura, MD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 2012
My area of specialty: Self-improvement; Surgical ligation; Football; Video games (Monster Hunter, Pokémon)
My motto: “If you don’t see a man for three days, look at him carefully.”
[ Postgraduate Student ]
Natsumi Fukuhara, MD
Graduate from Mie university in 2009
My area of specialty: French
My motto: Where there is a will, there is a way.
Masaya Sano, MD
Graduate from The University of Kagoshima in 2007
My area of specialty: Inflammation behind vascular disease
My motto: Knowledge without action is incomplete
Yuichi Ohashi, MD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 2011
My area of specialty: mountain climbing
My motto: “Many a little makes a mickle”
Shinya Okata, MD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 2011
My area of specialty: Rhythm games
My motto: “Every dog has its day.”
Kazumasa Hanada, MD
Graduate from The University of Tokyo in 2012
My area of specialty: Surgery
My motto: “Do your best and let God do the best.”
Takashi Endo, MD
Graduate from Chiba University in 2014
My area of specialty: Making Indian Curry
My motto: “He who hesitates is lost.”
Hiroyuki Nagita, MD
Graduate from The University of Okayama in 2014
My area of specialty: Abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral artery bypass
My motto: “Don’t believe in good stories and sweet words.”
Ryohei Maeno, MD
Graduate from Kansai Medical University in 2014
My area of specialty: Canoe
My motto: “With heart and soul”
Shota Tsuyuki, MD
Graduate from Kyorin University in 2014
My area of specialty: Playing football; Physical fitness; Be on duty; Have a conversation with patients
My motto: “Crew concentric”, “Strong person is always gentle”
[ 留学中 ]
平成18年卒 出身:東京大学
留学先:The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, USA
平成13年卒 出身:群馬大学
留学先:University of California, San Francisco, USA
平成17年卒 出身:東京大学
留学先:Yale University, USA